“Train up a Child”.......the Wayfarer 7/15/17

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“Train up a Child”

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it,”
(Proverbs 22:6)

The week this was originally written was full of news that had been. and continues to be disturbing to this old preacher, and the things noted then remain a constant in the nation and world today.

 It was filled with the usual calamities that constantly beset our world. 

These were, and are punctuated by threats of war, reports of other wars, warnings of the possibility of other wars, suffering in other parts of the world, and in our own nation, and acts of terror taken with no apparent reason other than to create that very terror within the nation.

One particularly disturbing news article involved an abortion doctor that routinely maliciously killed babies after they were born alive, proud of his methods and teaching them to others as well.

 There was almost no coverage of this abomination, just a brief blurb that forced one to go elsewhere for the details.

There was the usual clamor about the need to give up constitutional rights for the security offered by the state. This clamor failed miserably to enlighten anyone as to how the removal of these rights would in any way provide that security.

There was , however, another story, also little covered , about statements made by one close to our leadership  about the need for parents to consider their children to be no longer their own, but property of their state.

This statement was used in context of justifying the need for more taxes and governmental control of the education of our children, and their

When confronted by those who strongly disputed this, and stated that our children belong to their parents for such instruction, and are the responsibility of those parents, this particular individual doubled down on her statement, again stating that our children are not the responsibility of the parent, but of the state.

This is no new, or novel concept. It has been touted many times, by many people in the past.  It has been put into practice by some “civilizations” around the world, only to fail over and over again.

This concept is used to justify the indoctrination of political and social ideals to children of parents, who would never agree with those same concepts or ideals.

What disturbs me most about this push to “care for our children”, is that far too many do not even realize how deeply entrenched in our society it already is.

Parents abandon the education of their children to state run schools, too often never even questioning what is being taught them. Interests lie more in the pursuit of wealth and material possessions than in what is actually needed by the child, and what that child is being taught.

Political indoctrination has begun in grade schools, kindergartens, and preschools all across the country. It is taught in songs praising the leaders of our country, and other countries as well, and continues  throughout the secondary schools that fail to teach important things like reading, and writing, and the math, so necessary to the future.

They are , however, highly effective at promoting attitudes of entitlement instead of the necessity for labor. 

This is further enforced on the campuses of higher learning with continued indoctrination into these same concepts, while neglecting the lessons of history that refute what they are being taught.

That same push continues daily without the minimal coverage  given it then, or any mention of it at all as other stories rise to the top of the attention span of the third establishment of the press that is also used to continue that push.

Another story that caught my attention was one about a family, who, because of religious reasons, asked for asylum  to assure that their children be brought up in the knowledge of their religious belief by home schooling them.

Our government after initially deciding in their favor, was attempting to deport them back to their own country, from which they fled, to assure that no indoctrination by that state take place.

It too failed to be covered and the results of little importance in the "cycle" that dominates the dissemination of information to the general public.

Somewhere along the way, somehow, this people, once so dedicated to God’s laws, and to the freedoms its founders sought through worshipful adherence to God's Laws  to teach their children, and the other teachings of those founders, has been abandoned in favor of the very things those founders came here to escape.

This has happened with the implicit participation of a, “Christian”, people unwilling to stand up for their beliefs. It has been a long process, taking place over many years with small, and “insignificant” laws being passed, that have eroded everything that we are supposed to have stood for, and been, throughout the short life of this nation as seen through the mirror of its history.

It is that history that we have, again, forgotten. 

From the time of Nebuchadnezzar, and the conquest of Israel, and his attempts to seduce Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, through the more recent efforts of Adolf Hitler and his Hitler youth, and the pogroms  of communism throughout the world by Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, our neighbor Fidel Castro, and now the various leaders throughout the Muslim world, the goal has always been the same; to indoctrinate and brainwash the children so that their agenda will not be thwarted, and their pockets will continue to be lined with the earnings of the ensuing slavery of those children to the state.

Parents need to take and keep the responsibility for their children, as has been the intent of God since we were formed from the dust of this earth.
Children were, and are, very special to our Lord. The gospels are full of references to them. He warned of the penalties for harming them, stating it would be better that a millstone be hanged around the neck and that the offender be thrown into water to drown than to harm a child.

Our scriptures are also filled with warnings throughout both, old, and new testaments, of the failure to properly teach our children, and the end effects of our doing so.

Proverbs is ripe with admonishment to parents and children alike; Ecclesiastes is also filled with warnings of what befalls a nation when children turn from proper instruction; All of the prophetic books tell us what to expect if we continue to ignore God’s teachings and fail to impart them to the next generation; Paul’s writings to Titus gives explicit instruction on what is required of parents in the lives and edification of children. 

All the scriptures in both testaments have been given as guide to us in, not only how to live ourselves, but what to teach our children about how they are to conduct their lives.

 It is a guide to a successful society and a warning of what will cause the failure of that society. Have we actually forgotten that? 

If not why is our Bible not taught as it once was, by parents?
We have been given all the means and instructions needed to provide for the proper care and education of our children. If these writings were followed, there would not ever be a need for this old preacher, or any parent, to have concern for either children or nation.

Since the tendency of this people, and so many more around this pitiful ball of dirt has been, and continues to be, to ignore these scriptures, and instructions, there is a definite need to worry, speak out, proclaim the Truth of our Bible, take charge of our responsibilities to our children, and fight to the death any and all who would deny our responsibility and God given right to be that parent!

Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand, and you will answer to God, at the judgment throne, not only for what you do in life, but also for what you fail to do in life to assure that you meet the purpose of our lives, which is to follow his laws and glorify Him........ not the state!

I close once more with the offering of my love and concern for all my fellow humankind, still only a simple sinner who has made many mistakes in life myself, but saved by grace through faith in one Lord, One Savior, still a simple soldier in His service, committed to endure until the bitter end of this wasted world that could be such a wonderful place, if only all would accept, and obey the same God I serve, the same God served by Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, and, by our founders .

Amen and Amen
the Wayfarer


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