Make a Boat

GENESIS 6:12-21 (Continuing)

Make a boat

Time progressed on earth for its soul bearing inhabitants. To God, the gates of Eden had just been sealed and the rapture was under way. The people were living the high style of wickedness. Living hundreds of years, they viewed death as a far, far off happening. They acknowledged no God but followed after the way of Cain. Among them walked a man of renowned who followed not the rules of Satan. God called his name Noe. We know him as Noah. He was shunned by others but he walked with God. God found Nah to be worthy of trust and gave favor unto him.

God revealed unto Noah His intent to destroy the wicked world by an unimaginable deluge of water. Revelations of the Lord are often shared with those who fear Him, (Ps. 25:14).”The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant.” Believers are knowledgeable in God’s ways. The Holy Spirit is with all believers, enabling them to understand and apply the declarations and warnings of the written word. But in Noah’s time there were no believers save Noah and ‘maybe’ his family. God shared his intent to destroy everything that drew a breath from off the face of the earth, beneath it and in the air. Further, He revealed it would be by a mighty flood of waters, which would drown the entire living inhabitants of the world. As he chooses the rod with which he corrects his children, so he chooses the sword (flood) with which he cuts off his enemies. God trusted Noah established his covenant with him.

This is the first place in the Bible where the word 'covenant' is found; it is an interlocutory oath of commitment. God directed Noah to make an ark. He gave Noah a vision and blueprint as to the exact needs for the giant boat. Noah shook hands with God (so to speak) and their bargain was sealed. Noah would do as God asked and God would spare Noah’s family from the cleansing flood.

This ark was to be built with God supplied specific dimensions. And, when completed would somewhat resemble the hull of a ship, designed to float upon the waters. It took years to build and was very huge, half the size of St. Paul's cathedral. One could place more than eighteen largest ships now being used. God could have secured Noah without putting him having to do anything at all. However, God allowed him to make that which was to be the means to preserve him, for the trial of his faith and obedience. He also drew a curious crowd and could tell them of the pending disaster and to turn to loving God to be saved from the storm. Both the providence of God, and the grace of God, own and crown the obedient and diligent.

God promised Noah that he and his family should be kept alive in the ark. What we do in obedience to God, we and our families are likely to benefit from it. The piety of parents to get their children good in this life furthers them in the way to eternal life, if they come to God in the proper manner to receive forgiveness and gain eternal life. Amen Know God, know peace. 11-05-19 BLL


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