Growth of Evil


There was a time on earth when love and peace ruled. We all should know the record of Satan and Eve in the garden and how that ended peace and love for as God planned it long as time lasts. Evil became the life style as humans began to exert their own will according to their individual desires. If, and there were none, any prayers went up to God He didn’t listen. As ages rolled God mellowed and began to look among humankind for souls worth saving. Our minds, most likely, cannot frame any concept of the depravity on earth as Satan ruled her. The record set forth several points of interest.

Genesis chapter 6:5 thru 7:

5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.7 And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.
However, the most remarkable thing I view after Satan took command, is the destroying of it by the deluge, or flood. God's just wrath was spurned by His regrets and grief. His “time” project had gone sour. He knew the solution. Innocent earth would die with the wicked humankind. God frowns upon marriages between professors of true religion and its avowed enemies. The evil example of the ungodliness of parents living against God’s will teaches the children who are trained up according to the worldly ungodliness of their parents and like them have no fear of God. If we claim to be the adopted children of the Lord God Almighty, we must walk circumspectly always. That includes not marry without his consent. He does not consent to any couple becoming unequally yoked with a non believer. He will never give his blessing, if we prefer beauty, wit, wealth, or worldly honors, to love, faith and holiness. Sin abounds where Christianity is rejected. So it was in the day of Noe.
The Spirit of God strove with men, by sending Enoch, Noah, and perhaps others, to preach to them. Warnings and directions fell on deaf ears. Finally, the Lord declared that his Spirit should not thus strive with men always. Because man was flesh: not only frail and feeble, but carnal and depraved; having misused the noble powers of his soul to gratify his corrupt inclinations Gos stays his hand until “every thought of man was evil.” God knows the wickedness that is among the children of men; servants of Satan. It could not be hid from Him then and it cannot be hid from him now. Absent repentance, He shall shortly make known his awareness to those living in sin. God saw that “every imagination, or purpose, of the thoughts of man's heart, was only evil continually.” This was the bitter root. Men’s heart was deceitful and desperately wicked; the principles were corrupt; the habits and dispositions evil. Their every waking thoughts were wicked based. They did evil deliberately. Their minds always searching out ways to perform evil. There was no good thought among them. God hates our sinning. And should not we be grieved to the heart for continuing in it? God repented that he ever created man; but we find no where in His Word where He repents that he redeemed man. God resolves to destroy man: the original words are very striking, Genesis 7:4 “For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth.” Those who do not repent of their wrong way of living will forfeit their lives. ‘God speaks of resolution concerning men, after his Spirit had been long striving with them in vain. None are punished by the justice of God, but those who hate to be reformed by the grace of God.’ Know God, no peace. Amen 10-03-19 BLL


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