Believing the Warning

Genesis Chapter Six (Vrs. 22)

Believing the Warning

Reportedly one thousand years slipped through human fingers from the closing of the Garden Gate until the ark sat ready to float. They did not heed the warning nor even believe the warning God gave concerning life and death. They did not believe life would ever be different and they were content to violate every evil concept Satan could conger up. They did not believe Noah’s warning of a great flood that would cover the entire planet. They did not heed the warning clouds gathering in the heavens. They did not care; Noah, only, obeyed.
22 Thus did Noah; according to all that God commanded him, so did he.”
Noah's faith triumphed over all corrupt reasoning. It withstood the ridicule and manic accusations from his peers. His family was obedient to his plans for them. A giant structure gradually, over many years, arose out of the wilderness. To rear so large and funny looking house, such a one has he never seen before, required hard labor. The curiosity of those in traveling distance drew them to see this wonder. Noah warned them. They did not believe. As Noah struck his battered mallet on the last peg required to finish the ark, he grew strangely silent. Then came the onslaught of animals of every description. Guided by the loving hand of God they entered the ark and searched out their private quarters. Food had been stored, oil for torches was stashed. All the management of such an effort, required from him a great deal of care, and labor, and expense. His neighbors would laugh at him. But all such objections, Noah, by faith rose above; his obedience was ready and resolute. Having begun to build, he did not leave off till he had finished: so did he, and so must we do.

There was a loud screeching as the giant door in the side of the ark closed. Man could not open it. Outer belief, as rain began to fall, could not shake the door. It came too late and to little to influence God’s determination to destroy, from off the earth, the devils handiwork of evil. God had closed His bowls of compassion upon a non-believing world of sinners. In rightful fear Noah had believed and obeyed. He feared the deluge, and therefore prepared the ark. He and his family were safe from the destruction that fell upon the earth.

Just as in the warning given to Noah, there is a more solemn warning given to us, to “flee from the wrath to come,” which will swirl the world of unbelievers into the pit of destruction. Christ, our Noah, who came and built for us an ark of deliverance and paid for our sins with his life’s blood beacons us to come unto Him and find rest from worry of death. He shall comfort us, hath by his sufferings already prepared the ark, and kindly invites us by faith to enter in. While the day of his patience continues, we best hear and obey his voice. That day of wrath comes soon, it is even at the door. Don’t wait until you hear the voice like a trumpet announcing the closing of time. Rather, take on the belief that the bible is true and certain. Jesus is our door to peace and rest. When that door closes, only God can open it. Don’t wait! Know God, know peace. Amen. 11-06-19 BLL


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