Sweet Milk

Sweet Milk

As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby.” (1 Peter 2:2)

Can you imagine what might happen if one attempted to feed a new born babe soup beans and cornbread. The possible reactions and results are numberless. This example goes to support Peters mind set as he composed this important massage to the babes in Christ in his day. The concept has not changed. It is directed to young Christians who have only recently trusted God’s enduring Word and turned from their strong world knowledge to follow Christ.

Because they have just experienced a miracle of regeneration, new Christian must now “[lay] aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies” (1 Peter 2:1) and partake—as babes—of the “milk of sincerity.” The word for “sincere” means, literally, “without guile,” so they must now build all future progress in their new life—not on guile, but on guilelessness! The life laid aside must remain laid aside and the babe grows to be able to eat the fruit of God’s word and never turn back.

Lets take a closer look at the phrase “of the word.” This is not the usual word for “word” (Greek, logos), but a closely related word (logikos) from which we get our words “logic” and “logical.” It is used only one other time in the New Testament, where it is rendered “reasonable” in the classic passage dealing with “your reasonable service” (Romans 12:1).

The milt to which Peter refers here in this passage is spiritual. A mothers milk is the purest food her baby can receive. Thus, Peter is talking about the sweetness of taking growth from the simple precepts of Gods word until stronger and stronger revelations can be put into place. This can be nothing else (as seen in the context) than the incorruptible, eternal, regenerating Word of God, and with the living Word (Jesus Christ) revealed therein.

We can have no better example of truth than Christ Jesus, for He is “the truth” (John 14:6). In this same chapter, Peter also writes that Christ was without guile (1 Peter 2:22). So if these attributes were reflected in the Lord then they must be equally displayed of His written Word. The Scriptures are sincere, meaning precisely what they say! They are not naive and unscientific, but fully logical and correct in everything they say. Therefore, they are genuine spiritual nourishment for babes in Christ and will certainly enable them to “grow thereby.” Know God, know peace. Amen 04-30-2019 BLL


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