Devil's Lie # 8 Not Accepted

Devils Lie # 8 "You are Not Accepted"

In my youth, Much like King Saul of old, I stood head high above my fellow class mates. A quick game of softball was our method of entertainment during recess time. Our faculty monitor would choose two boys to pick players for their team. (That was before boys and girls were allowed to fraternize during school activities.) A flip of a coin determined which team leader made the first pick. It was a moment of anxiety because each wanted first choice in order to be able to pick me. I’d be prepared to be chosen first and I was not disappointed until one day, as I confidently walked toward the winner of the toss, he called another boy who was his best friend. I stopped dead still. Standing there halfway between the team pickers and the crowd, I felt very vulnerable, disappointed and rejected. Tradition had been broken. I was “at a loss” as to what to do to save face and hold onto my pride. I was no longer first choice. I was not accepted for my obvious superior skills. I faintly heard the other picker calling my name. If I was vindicated. I did not feel it.
We all have this desire to be a part of something. We want to be picked first to be on the team. We all desire to be chosen in love by the most suitable partner. If we are too often rejected and passed over for someone we feel less suitable; we begin to feel unwanted. These all point to the inherent feeling of belonging. The usual result is withdrawal often associated with dropping out, becoming the “class clown” or committing serious violations of rules, laws and ordinances. That is why prospective gang members are willing to suffer sometimes horrible acceptance initiation rites..
In Genesis, the Bible says that when the world was void, God began to fill it. As he created the sun, firmaments, and all of what we see, he declared that it was good. Society tells us that we should behave to prove that we belong-that we need to change our look, our speech, and ourselves and there lies the deception of Satan. In Genesis 1:31, The bible states, “God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good, and He validated it completely.” Satan roams among us falsely pointing to supposed imperfections in God’s creation. He repeats his own lies concerning contradictions in God’s promises to us. He seeks to devour us spiritually by showing us false information that God could not accept a person as vile as we are. God accepts all who will come to him repenting. Humankind has total acceptance with God if only they will accept Him.
I fear we have been seeking validation in the wrong thing; a validation we already have been given by God supersedes all superficial and fragile acceptance of our constitutes. We are first and foremost accepted by the one whose opinion matters the most. Our greatest freedom comes in knowing that the Lord has seen the worst in us, knows our secret sins and accepts us anyway. Know God, know peace. Amen 04-01-2019 BLL


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