End Time # 11 Spreading Gospel

End Time Sign - # 11 Spread Wide the Gospel

Matthew 24:14 ...'And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.'
It would have been thought an impossibility in that day for the (this) gospel to be preached to all nations. As the nations of the world grew so did new nations spring up; it siply could not happen. However, looking ahead to the time (now) that it needed to spread to signal the coming end, Christ prepared the world with technology and evangelists sufficient to get the word to all nations. This sign is consummated in our day. When Jesus said "THIS" gospel he was referring to Himself...the gospel of “The Kingdom of God is Come.” There are many "gospels" being preached out there, but it is the TRUE GOSPEL that is to be preached to the world before the end can come. We observe this being fulfilled today as one of the end time signs. We hear God's people preaching the true gospel throughout the world like never before, through the internet, TV and satellite, radio, in the pulpit, and through print. We have never had the resources available before to reach the world the way we can now. The Gideon have placed testaments and bibles in almost every land. God’s word circles the globe faster than the speed of sound. The Gospel of Grace is available to even the farthermost regions of the earth poles and everywhere between. Any true web-ministry will receives thousands of contacts everyday from people all over the world seeking the truth. Surly w can clearly see that this Bible sign is BEING fulfilled even as we read this lesson. In preparation for the end time what message is God's true servants taking to the world today? Keep looking up, Jesus could call today. Know God, know peace. 03-19-2019 BLL


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