10 Sin Lies BLL

Ten Lesson on False Beliefs
Over time and with oral transmission of God’s Word with lack of actual bible study, it is understandable that old wives tales and inaccuracies have become embedded as truth in some Christian minds. There are a great many falsehoods that we believe about ourselves that stop us from moving forward into our full Godly potential. Once we buy into these self character smearing lies about who and what we are or are not, there can be grave and stifling consequences. These lies (often in the form of labels) mask the fact that we are in the power of God’s Grace and totally capable of accomplishing His designed path for us. We must not let false beliefs and fractured scriptures smother out the life God plans for us to live.
These lies may be resulting from shame, fear, or a misunderstanding of God’s nature, they all have the same destructive result. If the devil can get you to believe a lie, or take on a label you ought not to, then your whole picture of life will become distorted. Know God, know peace. March 22, 2019 BLL
We will begin a series of ten things we must, as Christians, avoid taking on as God’s given truths and began or continue to live in the shadow of such falsehoods.


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