Devils 4th. lie about God's word

Devils lie # 4. "God Could Never Use Someone Like Me"

Not so very long ago I stopped to invite an acquiescence to church. His reply: “You all don’t want me down there, I insisted but he never “darkened the door.” Currently this man is pulling life in prison. Pray God has not turned him over to a reprobate mind. If you witness to people you encounter along life’s pathway, you are sure to hers remarks like these: “I’m too evil, They say things like, “God could never use someone like me” as God gad a criterion for salvation and service. I'm good, do good things, never sin so I don’t have to attend church.” Don’t be taken in by the lie Satan has told them. Tell them the church doors stand open and they are invited to come and hear God’s words. God has never placed parameters on who He loves, commissions, equips, or forgives. His response to us has always been to come. Come and drink. Come and eat. Come and see. Come and follow. We must understand well God’s relationship with us before we can adequately relate it to others. Our one job is to respond to his love manifested through grace — that is it. God will never confront you with your past to propel to your future. If you feel compelled to visit those arenas, it is a lie from the devil pushing you away from God.
Yes, things of the past will be dealt with along the journey of sanctification, but it is not a precursor to serving our Lord. We need to stop shortchanging our ourselves and accept the promises of God toward us. He is faithful to keep His promises. God has a plan for our time on earth, every second of it, and the “gates of hell cannot prevail against it.” There is a sense of unworthiness that we tend to project upon God because of shame. Shame no longer needs to be the lens you see yourself through. God wiped the devils fingerprints off your lenses and only you can allow him to mark on them again.
In Hebrews 12:2 it states, “because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame”. You are an intricate part joy that has always awaited God. Aren’t you thankful you serve a God that disregards the shame and greets you with dignity? He created us to be “instruments for his special purposes to be useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work” (2 Tim2:21). Lean on God’s promises. Know God, know peace. 03-27-2919 BLL


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