A prayer fpr this day, and those yet to come the Wayfarer

A Prayer for THIS Day, and ALL Those Yet to Come

Holy and righteous God our Father, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, God of Moses and the Prophets, God of Israel and of this nation in which I live, God of all the forefathers of that nation, God of Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln, God of this universe and all other creation, this world and all worlds within that creation, Father of that creation, Creator of that creation, Father of the perfection held only by You, and of this most imperfect of creatures existing only because of your Love, through the perfect Love exemplified by the willingness of Your own sacrifice given for this imperfect and too often ungrateful creature, may Your Name be magnified, Your Glory praised, Your presence accepted willingly, Your mercy requested continually and Your Grace sought throughout all of your creation.

May the perfection of YOUR plan come to fruition In this world, Your Kingdom be reigned now and forever by You on this speck of dust lying within the vastness of that creation that must remain incomprehensible to this creature despite his own constant attempt to glean more knowledge and power for himself rather than accepting his own place within that plan.

Grant us this day the sustenance of body and of soul provided through the generosity and  grace that has been shown already within the very fact that we exist despite our stubborn unwillingness to accept that place given us when created.

Forgive us that stubbornness, the sin that pervades the minds of men willing to buy into the lie of our own magnificence and ability that pales so rapidly when the extent of Your Omniscience and Omnipotence is eventually recognized by each and all of the children of mankind once YOUR eternity, and our own transience becomes apparent.

Help us to comprehend the result of our own imperfection, that we might seek YOUR perfection attainable through the gift YOU gave us through Christ Jesus, that we too might attain that perfection, and come to your presence to live eternally praising that perfection that escapes us only because of any unwillingness to accept the plan that was, is and shall always be for our betterment and YOUR glorification.

Teach us to forgive perfectly, as YOU forgive perfectly, to accept the limits of those around us as YOU mercifully accept our own transgressions of YOUR will while trying to impose our own will in its place. 

Help us to recognize the futility of any and all attempts to supplant or replace Your plan and will with our own that have always been and must always remain imperfect and flawed as long it come into contradiction of YOUR Law, given us to promote Your perfect will.

Keep us ever mindful of the microscopic ability and knowledge held by us no matter how boastful and confident we become as the lie given in the garden is proliferated, continuing larger and larger from generation to generation.

Guide us, daily, back  into Your presence, back into Your will, back into acceptance of our very purpose for existence, through the Comforter given us by Your Son, Christ Jesus.

Keep us continually mindful of that purpose, mindful of our place within that purpose and mindful of to Whom Your kingdom, Your world, Your Universe and all creation belong.

Thank You, Father for Your attention to each detail of Your plan, so lovingly worked out, Your attention to each care and concern of each soul, and YOUR LOVE for each soul extended by YOU through eternity through the sacrifice and blood of YOUR Son, proven through the resurrection and continuing advocacy of YOUR SON, that alone may sustain us through the temporary and temporal life that gives way to the eternity of Life with you through belief in HIM .

Use us to reach all reachable, teach all teachable to glorify HIM and glorify YOU in expectation of that eternal life promised and assured by Him.

It is through His name, that of Jesus, living Savior, living Son of YOU, the only LIVING GOD I pray,

Amen, and Amen.
the Wayfarer


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