A question of Belief and Faith...the Wayfarer 10/31/14

A question of Belief and Faith

“For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day”. 

(2nd Timothy Ch. 1 vs. 12)

Believe: to have a firm religious faith; to accept trustfully on faith; to have a firm conviction of the reality and truthfulness of something; to consider to be true and honest; to hold faithfully to an opinion.

Faith: Belief; trust

What belief consists of is a constant, unwavering faith and trust in the absolute truth of that which is believed.

This is unchangeable in nature if truly believed, and holds importance to the believer that extends beyond what may be taught, exhorted, preached, written and promoted by any one that stands in contravention to what is believed.

If that belief exists, it is ingrained so deeply that no threat, no persecution, no promise or temporary reward can detract from or change it for ANY reason.

If only a concept held as an opinion, and subject to change, it is NOT belief, but lip service to opinion only.

Those who do not believe, cannot understand the absolute certainty of any belief, nor can they claim faith in any belief not so deeply implanted that its importance is primary in life, or that that life is of no importance or value, merely a reed blown in the wind, grass that withers in the sun and in the snows of winter.

Adversity does not change belief, if it is belief. In the end it only serves to strengthen it.

This is not to say that individuals should not question beliefs, to the contrary, it is a necessity to do so if you are to find what it is that is truly believed. If it is believed, it cannot be changed PERIOD.

In a society that fosters many values and concepts foreign to my own, there is a constant questioning that must take place.

Listening to the opinions of others with an open mind does not devalue faith or belief, again it either proves or disproves what is actually believed.

No doubt Abraham questioned his faith and belief when told to sacrifice his only son… but he followed through in the absolute and total faith in God that God knew what He was doing… he passed the test… He BELIEVED!

Stephen, when facing the angry mob that stoned him expounded on the subject of faith and belief and the strength of it. He too passed the test.

Each and every one of the apostles, time after time chose belief over comfort and harmony with those who refused to even hear, much less believe the Gospel as given by Christ Jesus.

Each day of life given is a test of belief and faith. Each day it is confirmed or denied by those who profess it, whether that belief be in physical and temporal means of enrichment, or eternal and spiritual enrichment that exists only through the maintenance and refusal to desert what is professed to be believed.

It is almost impossible for many to understand the world today, and the why that constantly is evoked as being only an insane opinion being pursued by a group of others wishing to impose their beliefs on the world.

The reason for this impossibility is a lack of conviction, lack of moral value, lack of spiritual purpose (having devoted all purpose, to that which requires no faith, no belief simply because of “physical evidence” of what is falsely substituted for truth of the Gospel of Christ Jesus, that must include the teachings of that Savior as well as the sacrifice given…as well as the reward expected for that BELIEF!

There are 66 books contained in the library that has been handed down from the time that writing began in reference to Belief and Faith, it is called a Bible, and is often regarded as one book.

In that its unity of the requirements to have TRUE belief and TRUE faith remain unchanged, it IS one book. There are no discrepancies contained within it… there are only the discrepancies of the minds of those unwilling to see that unity of purpose and unity of the requirement preached by Christ Jesus for redemption through repentance… Acceptance of the gift given us of God’s Son in exchange for FAITH AND BELIEF in him instead of in the constantly changing dogmas that deny the doctrine of that gift.

Belief will be and is being tested.   

“For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day”. 

(2nd Timothy Ch. 1 vs. 12)

“And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last”

In closure, I remain still, and yet, as ever, the simple sinner saved by grace through Faith, continuing as the soldier chosen to endure until the end of that service,

Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus!
the Wayfarer


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